Women In Biz

ageism the ultimate frontier

L'Oreal And Vogue Collaborated On The 'Non-Issu...

Laura Mariani

ThePeopleAlchemist Edit: the world is not just full of Millenials, and age happens to us all - if we are lucky enough... L'Oreal And Vogue collaborated on the 'Non-Issue' issue...

L'Oreal And Vogue Collaborated On The 'Non-Issu...

Laura Mariani

ThePeopleAlchemist Edit: the world is not just full of Millenials, and age happens to us all - if we are lucky enough... L'Oreal And Vogue collaborated on the 'Non-Issue' issue...


All The Noise Around Diversity & Inclusion Simp...

Laura Mariani

ThePeopleAlchemist Edit: diversity and inclusion is not just an HR 'thingy' - it is a business priority The discussion around diversity and inclusion should impact company strategy and decision -...

All The Noise Around Diversity & Inclusion Simp...

Laura Mariani

ThePeopleAlchemist Edit: diversity and inclusion is not just an HR 'thingy' - it is a business priority The discussion around diversity and inclusion should impact company strategy and decision -...


The Gender Pay Gap Discussion: Is Pay Transpare...

Laura Mariani

ThePeopleAlchemist Edit: HR, Business, Gender Pay Gap and Transparency To Bridge The Gap In my last blog, The Gender Pay Gap reporting, I discussed the usefulness of reporting Gender Pay...

The Gender Pay Gap Discussion: Is Pay Transpare...

Laura Mariani

ThePeopleAlchemist Edit: HR, Business, Gender Pay Gap and Transparency To Bridge The Gap In my last blog, The Gender Pay Gap reporting, I discussed the usefulness of reporting Gender Pay...


The Gender Pay Gap reporting is not going away:...

Laura Mariani

ThePeopleAlchemist Edit: Gender Pay Gap reporting is on the horizon again - Don't just report it, Fix it! Gender Pay Gap: don't just report it; fix it! Yes, after a...

The Gender Pay Gap reporting is not going away:...

Laura Mariani

ThePeopleAlchemist Edit: Gender Pay Gap reporting is on the horizon again - Don't just report it, Fix it! Gender Pay Gap: don't just report it; fix it! Yes, after a...

the power of modelling

What is the power of modelling ? Emulate your ...

Laura Mariani

The power of role models: Smash Your Ceiling to Smash That Ceiling "Emerging leaders need a mentor to guide them, but they also need a network of peers, to reassure...

What is the power of modelling ? Emulate your ...

Laura Mariani

The power of role models: Smash Your Ceiling to Smash That Ceiling "Emerging leaders need a mentor to guide them, but they also need a network of peers, to reassure...

race and gender

Is Race and Gender a Double Killer?

Laura Mariani

ThePeopleAlchemist Edit: Smashing the Glass Cultural Ceiling The Gender Equality Index 2017, published by EIGE (the European Institute for Gender Equality), showed that gender equality had improved little across Europe...

Is Race and Gender a Double Killer?

Laura Mariani

ThePeopleAlchemist Edit: Smashing the Glass Cultural Ceiling The Gender Equality Index 2017, published by EIGE (the European Institute for Gender Equality), showed that gender equality had improved little across Europe...