L'Oreal And Vogue Collaborated On The 'Non-Issue' Issue To Smash Preconceptions About Ageing, Making Women Over 50s Visible & Normalising The Subject. So Is Ageism The Ultimate Frontier?
ThePeopleAlchemist Edit: the world is not just full of Millenials, and age happens to us all - if we are lucky enough...
L'Oreal And Vogue collaborated on the 'Non-Issue' issue to smash preconceptions about ageing. Making women over 50s visible. And normalising the subject. So is Ageism the ultimate frontier? All the noise around diversity, unfortunately, rarely affects strategy. And/or decision-making on whether or not women are being paid fairly. Or/and whether the company is a bias-less transparent meritocracy. Taking it one step further, the discussion around diversity and equality should also cover equally important aspects of diversity. Such as ethnicity, sexual identity, disability, etc. But what about ageism?AGEISM THE ULTIMATE FRONTIER
The world is not just full of Millenials. Age happens to us all, and it doesn't discriminate on race, religion, sex, sexual inclination, etc. It affects everyone equally. If we are lucky enough to get old, that is. Yet age diversity is not a priority for most businesses. Age is not on the strategic agenda. But why not? There are a lot of negative assumptions about older workers (they can't learn new skills, their health is fragile or in decline blah blah blah...). Currently, the only narrative there is about age is one of decline. Rather than an alternative viewing ageing as a positive experience encompassing, for example, knowledge, resilience, self-awareness, reliability, loyalty, stability and so on. To be really inclusive, organisations need flexibility with relevant policies for different/every identity and age group. The flexibility that older workers require is different from working parents—different priorities and needs. Businesses serious about diversity and age diversity specifically should introduce age-specific management policies. Like phased retirements, job redesign, career counselling. And even feature older people in recruitment advertising, sending really positive signals that the organisation values older workers. That should include products/marketing campaigns addressing older customers segments, recognising their value. Does your company/the company you work for value the older employees? Or are they bypassed with all systems and initiatives aimed at the younger generations? What do you think they should do?
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