Trust Yourself and Your Abilities - Ela Slutski & Galit Bauer #TheWomanAlchemist
Women Inspiring Women - Smash that ceiling!!!
The interview part of the series #Smashthatceiling #womeninspiringwomen and this week is a double pleasure and double values for you, my lovely readers, as I have the pleasure of interviewing Ela Slutski & Galit Bauer the, founders of, an online babysitting platform designed especially for ex-pats and tourists travelling and living in European destinations.
This interview is an extract from the book "STOP IT! It is all in your head" available now.
According to availability, time, and language, parents can book a babysitter they can trust. In addition, they can get to know babysitters through moderated online profiles, video interviews, and dedicated chat rooms. Isn't that a fab idea??
Ela Slutski and Galit Bauer add a more international & European dimension to the series :
Ela Slutski has business experience across Europe, the US, and Israel and gained her first professional experience in Israel after graduating from Tel Aviv University. Galit Bauer is a fellow human resources veteran with over 15 years of experience selecting and placing the right people in the right organisation. She moved to Amsterdam from Tel Aviv 15 years ago with her husband Eilam and their Labrador, Meshi.
Enough with the intros; here they are:
1. When you were a child, what was your dream job and why?
Ela: When I was a child, I had a few dream jobs. I wanted to be a singer because I loved singing, and it seemed magical to be performing in front of a large audience. I also wanted to be a doctor at some point to help people. All the doctors I met looked like brilliant people!
Galit: My dream job was to be a teacher. I loved standing in front of my imaginary class and talking, writing stuff on the board, and asking children questions. I could stay busy for many hours with this and always wanted to be a teacher who meant something to her students.
2 - Can you tell me the time that you started to consider yourself successful?
Ela: I moved to Israel when I was 19 years old, on my own, and I didn't know anyone, and I didn't speak Hebrew. I had nothing. When I went to study at Tel Aviv University, whilst fully supporting myself financially, I considered myself successful.
Galit: As a student, when I worked in 3 different jobs and lived by myself in Tel Aviv, I managed to be independent and not ask for any money from my parents. This was such a great feeling.
3 - I'm sure you have faced adversity like every business/business person: how do you motivate yourself and force yourself through the worst times?
Ela: I think one of the things that help me deal with difficult times is talking about it with my business partner and my family, being open about it, and asking for support and advice.
Galit: I am a very optimistic person who trusts myself and my abilities, believing in hard work and commitment. I do a lot of sport, ask for a hug from my 8-year-old son, and listen to Les Brown - my favourite motivational speaker. Then, of course, I have my husband, who reminds me how much he loves me and believes in me.
4 - What are the best things about your job?
Ela: The best thing about my job is to wake up in the morning with a smile!
Galit: The freedom to make the decisions, the responsibility for your destiny, and the creation of something new and unique. I love to make people happy with the product whilst working with the great and inspirational people around me. So there's a happiness that you don't need to report to a useless manager, too.
5 - As Tony Robbins says, "Success leaves clues": what are your daily/weekly habits?
Ela: I check my emails and messages in the morning, and if there is nothing urgent that requires my immediate attention, I have a moment with my kids and take them to school. I need to spend time with them, and it gives me energy. Afterwards, I bike to work through the canals of Amsterdam. Even on a rainy day, I still feel privileged to be able to do that. Then it's a regular day in the office with tasks, emails, and other things that need to be done.
Galit: Sport, breathing, Yoga, listening to Les Brown, talking weekly with our Mentor, and every Friday evening investing time with my family - plus a winner mindset!
6 - What do you think is the most significant barrier to female leadership?
Ela: I think there's no barrier to the female lead. Instead, I believe there are a lot of obstacles to leadership in general. The most significant one is to manage to stay a decent person.
Galit: Sometimes it's us women who do not believe that a female can lead - this is the most significant barrier to us. We have self-doubt, and unfortunately, it's also supported by society.
7 - What women inspire you and why?
Ela: I admire single mothers; I think it's a tough job - rewarding but challenging. It requires so much from the person, and if you look at the "job requirements", these are the skills you need to be successful in everything
Galit: Women who don't "ask is it OK?". Women who dare to say what they WANT and feel free to be STRONG.
8 - What advice would you give to your 16-year-old self?
Ela: Not to worry about what other people think and say, stay true to yourself and do not be afraid to dream because they come true if you want them to.
Galit: Travel all the time and travel the world as long as possible.
9 - Your instant mindfulness fix…
Ela: Go outside for a few minutes if the weather allows, or take a moment and dive into my world.
Galit: No other choice but to WIN continue dreaming and visualise the success.
10 - And finally, something frivolous: the best thing about being a woman…
Ela: Everything really; motherhood, being super emotional about my kids, being unconditionally in love, to know how to love, being a family, starting a business, having a girls night out, and having more than three pairs of shoes and being able to love each and everyone equally! There's much more, of course!
Galit: Accepting NO is not an option, the ability to do a few things together at the same time, and the last and the most amazing is for your child to say to you, "I love you, Mama."
Top Takeaways from Ela Slutski & Galit Bauer
- In difficult times be open about it – ask for support and advice.
- Talk to your Mentor regularly & invest time with your family
- Trust yourself and your abilities
- Don't worry what other people think: stay true to yourself and don't be afraid to dream big.
- Visualise your dreams