Pam Grout: Muse, Inspiration & Soul Sister - #TheWomanAlchemist Monthly Feature
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The PeopleAlchemist Edit: #theWomanAlchemist #Feature #womanofthemonth
Hello and welcome to the 2nd #TheWomanAlchemist monthly feature for this year, shining a spotlight this time on Pam Grout. If you have followed my blog for any time, you surely must have noticed I am a super fan and have documented all my experimentation with her books (E-Squared & E-Cubed). Additionally, this month is also her birthday (17 February), so this is a perfect time to celebrate Pam Grout is s the #1 New York Times best-selling author of Thank & Grow Rich, E-Squared, and E-Cubed. She is one of my favourite authors, muse, and inspiration. Her career spans serving as an extra in a zombie movie, composing a country-and-western song, creating a TV series, together with writing more than 20 travel books, including 3 for National Geographic, books and articles for CNN Travel, Men's Journal, The Huffington Post, and People magazine. She started writing more or less since second grade and then got a degree in journalism. A freelancer all her writing career, she has pitched stories of all types to publications of all kinds. Grout has often said that the most remarkable thing about being a writer is finding something you're interested in, pitching a story about it, and then landing the perfect excuse to immerse yourself in that topic and call experts in that field. I love her, and I have one or two of her books on the go at all times (Art & Soul Reloaded - to support my creative endeavours), and now going through The Course in Miracles Experiments for the second year in a row. A Course in Miracles is a very profound book. It changes lives, spreading peace and altering brain molecules and consciousness. But, unfortunately, it is boring as hell, and many can't even finish it. Grout has rewritten all 365 lessons from the workbook of A Course in Miracles - but in a fun, accessible, easier-to-understand way.PAM GROUT: MUSE, INSPIRATION & SOUL SISTER
Grout has four main goals for her life: peace of mind, surety of purpose, specific guidance and unceasing joy. She believes that ideas change consciousness and books, in particular, have the power to rewire minds, create movements, revolutions, and actual change. This is because books, she says, provide a low-cost method for spreading valuable information, which can transform how we see and do life radically. I couldn't agree with this more. Books to me are mentors, lovers, friends and much more. From Grout, I have also learned that discipline is the key to having a writing career and/or success. Although discipline doesn't sound like a fun word, you soon understand that failures and challenges revolve around not showing up. Ideas are out there waiting, just waiting for us to pay attention. Writing is nothing but to serve as a purveyor of a higher message, to connect.Five lessons from Pam Grout writers need to know if they want to spark a movement with a book.
- Show up. Do you want to be a writer? Then sit at the chair and write.
- Trust. Trust yourself, your intuition, your talent; you have a voice. But you need to take a giant leap that somehow if you feel the call to write, help will be provided.
- Be authentic. Be yourself in your writing.
- Write what you're passionate about. As a reporter, I found that all topics are interesting once you start interviewing experts who know their subject deeply. But if I spend an entire year on a book, I want it to be about something I want to learn or master anyway. I would do it even I never make a penny on it.
- Be generous. I think people often hoard their ideas. They worry they'll run out and wonder what they could come up with next. Writing (and creativity in general) is generative. Engaging in it primes the pump. There is no bottom. There is no limit. The more you write, the more you get.