Smash Your Glass Ceiling, Create Your Success Self-image - Be Your Best Self - A Daily Practice To Silence Your Inner Critic
ThePeopleAlchemist Edit: Be your best self - #SmashYourCeiling, change starts from within -Business & Lifestyle Experimentation for #TheWomanAlchemist
It is time to smash your glass ceiling and start building your new success Self-image. Hello there, and welcome back. You should have by now your new "story"/start of the new Self-image in regards to Body and Money. Unfortunately, Self-image also impacts your professional life, your career. There is no escape.YOUR SUCCESS SELF-IMAGE
Self-image is the internal set point that determines how much we can achieve. That invisible glass ceiling that comes with us everywhere we go and affects everything we do. The ceiling in our heads is the only one that is truly stopping us.
Last week we delved into cultural, religious and family paradigms and how they are all contributing to form our Self-image with its limitations and quirks. Now, we can’t change the past but we can create a new future. If you didn't do the exercise last week, now would be a good time ;-) . For a quick reminder of the exercise click here. That's right, it's freewriting time again. This exercise should be fun and exciting - you creating your new extraordinary Self-image (and life) after all. Take your time. Again don't think about the "how". Just think, and write, what you want out of your career, the ultimate goal. How would you feel if you achieved everything you want? Would you win awards? If fame and fortune is what you really want, write it down. You can't complain that the Universe is not giving you what you want if you are too reserved to even ask ... It is time to break free, so let’s start writing. Here’s the prompt: “I am so happy and grateful now that I have ......... I feel so ...... ” Enjoy, and see you tomorrow x