Use Technology To Your Advantage, Don't Let Technology Use You - Be Your Best Self - A Daily Practice To Silence Your Inner Critic
Laura MarianiShare
ThePeopleAlchemist Edit: Be your best self - #SmashYourCeiling, change starts from within -Business & Lifestyle Experimentation for #TheWomanAlchemist
Hello there and welcome back; how are you getting on with the immersion time of far? Today we are covering technology and why it is important to use it in your immersion time.USE TECHNOLOGY
Your current concept of self, your Self-image, has been ingrained into your psyche for donkey years with continuous messages of your worth as a woman, how far you can go, what you deserve and so on. From everywhere. Nothing but constant reinforcement of your limiting beliefs. To replace all that, you now need to condition yourself to ingrain your compelling new story under your belt and keep repeating your story on a loop (we talked yesterday about repetition). And seeing your story everywhere. Anything you might want to learn can be available to you 24/7 via the use of technology, with a phone or tablet. And you so can use this constant presence in your life to your advantage.SAY NO TO THE THE OLD STORY
We talked before about avoiding the news and social media during the No Negative Thoughts Challenge week. To be fair this is an excellent practice to be continued, really. You do not want negativity crowding your mind and reinforcing your old results, how bad things are around you all the time. Let's face it, you don't normally have good news on the News ;-) . And so, in the practice of your new Self-image, take advantage of this. Use your iPod, Ipad, iPhone (or any other smartphone/tablet) and surround yourself with your new concept of Self. Immerse yourself in it. Videos. Audios. Wherever you go. Whatever you do. Use your N.E.T. time, e.g. No Extra Time when doing housework, gym time, walking, supermarket shopping and so on. Feed your mind your new Self-image/concept and goals. Take advantage of the technology. Use it, instead of it using you. Get plugged-in in your new reality, the new Self-image you want for yourself. Instead of reading the news, watching the news, or your Twitter or Instagram feed, take this opportunity and create your own "news feed". See you tomorrow xUSEFUL READING