Now It's Time To Unlock Ignite And Transform Your Life - Be Your Best Self - A Daily Practice To Silence Your Inner Critic
Laura MarianiShare
ThePeopleAlchemist Edit: Be your best self - #SmashYourCeiling, change starts from within -Business & Lifestyle Experimentation for #TheWomanAlchemist
Hello there, and Happy Monday: it is now time to unlock, ignite and transform your life. Excited? For the last two weeks, we have looked at the old paradigms that are currently running your life and then went on to write your new story. Your new body/health, prosperous life, fantastic career and family life and your lover. How do you feel about that? Your new life story should excite you, make you giddy, full of anticipation, "turn you on". If it doesn't, then this is the perfect time to review it. Your life and results mirror your (mine/everybody) consciousness, your Self-image, the internal set-point that indicates what you think you deserve, how you see yourself.UNLOCK IGNITE AND TRANSFORM
To unlock, ignite and transform your life to a new level, you need first unlock, ignite and transform yourself. Your consciousness. That's why we have been going through all the exercises.
Firstly, to uncover what the paradigms are in the first place to unlock the key to your current Self-image. Secondly, to then decide what you really really want. And finally, to ignite your soul with your new story and finally transform your life. That's why your new story must excite you. Quick question: did you do the exercises in the first place? If not, take some time and go through them now. Perhaps start with the areas of your life that you are unhappy with that give you the most pain. Then, really look at what is your current Self-image in that/those area/s. And then write the new reality you want to see and how you need to be. If Covid-19 has taught us anything, it should be that you can't put your life on hold and wait for the future. The road called "someday" leads to a town called "nowhere". Be bold. Be audacious. Go for it. Don't be shy or modest. If fame and fortune are what you want, then write that new story. Then re-read your new story—all of it. Amend, adjust, correct as necessary until you are happy that it describes that life you really want, in all areas. The only rule is that you write in the present tense as you already embody and have, do all the things you want. "I am so grateful now that I am .... Grateful that I have ... I do .... It feels so good to ....". Once you finished, re-read out loud. If it makes you happy, smile and excited, you got it. Make sure you have so you are ready for tomorrow. Have fun xUSEFUL READING