"Achieving Your Ideal Figure" - Rev. Ike's Secrets for Health, Joy, and Prosperity - #SmashYourCeiling: Be Your Best Self Around the Year - Silence Your Inner Critic and Feed Your Mind. The Science of Living Study Guide Week 43 #MindMastery

Laura Mariani

#SmashYourCeiling, change starts from within - Business & Lifestyle Experimentation for #TheWomanAlchemist - Science of Living Study Guide Week 43


In Chapter 43 of the Science of Living study guide, Rev. Ike shows that we can use the power of our mind to bless and direct our physical body and affairs. I don't ask you to blindly believe this. Just try it and see for yourself. But you have to really try ;-)


The Science of Living Study Guide by Rev. Ike - Reminder

The Science Of Living book provides a comprehensive guide on HOW TO achieve your best life with practical advice on daily living, engaging visualization exercises, and affirmations designed to elevate your consciousness – tools you can immediately apply to modify your circumstances. Each week, I will give a brief lesson overview. Rev. Ike's Affirmative treatment for that lesson, practicable, actionable points for you, and some review questions as a point of reflection. Say the affirmative right out loud before you go to sleep. This will help to reinforce these positive ideas in your subconscious mind. And also end the day on a positive note. When you wake up in the morning, re-read the Affirmative treatment once again and say it out loud to start the day positively.

Lesson Overview:

Brief Summary: Your body is a reflection of your mind. The way you think about yourself influences how you look, feel, and carry yourself. In Chapter 43 of the Science of Living study guide, Rev. Ike emphasizes the transformative power of the mind in shaping your physical body and overall appearance. You can achieve your ideal figure and physical presence by directing your thoughts and harnessing your mental power.

The Power of Visualization

To begin the journey toward your ideal figure, the first step is to define clearly what that looks like to you. You must be specific in your visualization, whether it's a particular body shape, weight, or facial feature. This clarity helps to impress the image onto your subconscious mind, and visualization works tirelessly to bring this vision into reality.

Rev. Ike suggests surrounding yourself with images that represent your ideal appearance. These could be photographs, digital images, or even sketches Place them where you will see them often—on your mirror, refrigerator, or phone background. The more frequently you see these images, the more deeply they are impressed upon your subconscious mind. Over time, your body will begin to respond to these mental images, aligning itself with the ideal you have chosen.

Directing Your Mind Power

Visualization is only part of the process. The next step is learning to control and direct your mind's power. Your mind is like an automobile, needing direction, control, and purpose. You wouldn't drive a car without knowing where you're going; the same applies to your mental processes.

Once you've selected your ideal figure and visualized it clearly, it's time to tell your body how to react. Speak to your body with love and positivity. Affirmations like "My body is strong, healthy, and aligned with my ideal image" help to reinforce the desired outcome. Over time, these positive messages will influence your body's shape and overall health and well-being.

Becoming the Master of Your Mind and Body

Mastery over your body begins with mastery over your mind. As you learn to use your mind to control your body, you'll find that you have more power over your physical experiences than you ever imagined. This mastery doesn't just apply to achieving your ideal figure—it extends to all areas of life. Whether health, success, or personal relationships, your mind holds the key to transforming your reality.

Twittable Quote:

"Shape your ideal figure with the power of your mind.

Visualize, affirm, and become the master of your body.

#MindPower #IdealBody #Visualization"

Affirmative Treatment:

"Right here and right now,

  • I have found the Power within me to control all my experiences.
  • I see myself strong and healthy from birthday to birthday.
  • I AM becoming the ideal figure I want to be
  • I AM the master of my fate and the captain of my soul.

So it is; it cannot be otherwise, and I rejoice because of it

Thank you, God in me."


Practical Actionable Points:

  1. Visualize Daily: Spend a few minutes each day visualizing your ideal figure. Be specific about what you want to achieve and picture it.
  2. Create a Vision Board: Collect images representing your ideal body and place them where you can see them often. Let these images inspire and motivate you daily.
  3. Affirm Your Progress: Use positive affirmations to reinforce your ideal figure. Speak to your body with love and positivity, telling it how to align with your vision.

Review Questions:

  1. What does your ideal figure look like? Have you visualized it clearly?
  2. How can you incorporate daily visualizations and affirmations into your routine?
  3. What steps will you take to master your mind's influence over your body?



By harnessing the power of your mind, you can achieve your ideal figure and transform your physical reality. Visualizations, combined with positive affirmations, will guide you toward the image you desire. Master your mind, and you will master your life.


Stay tuned for the next instalment in our Mind Mastery Series as we explore Chapter 44, unlocking more transformative wisdom from Rev. Ike's Science of Living Study Guide. 👑✨


The Science of Living Study Guide: Unlock your mind's potential for health, happiness, success, and prosperity! In 52 transformative chapters, Rev. Ike introduces his Science Of Living philosophy, revealing a new way of thinking.


Rev. Frederick Eikerenkoetter, better known as REV. IKE, "The Success and Prosperity Preacher," was a Minister, Teacher, Motivator, Evangelist, Counselor, and Pastor to millions of people for over 40 years. Rev. Ike's Science of Living Ministry showed people how to BE, DO, and HAVE all the good they desire through the Presence and Power of God, Infinite Good, within everyone. He taught that the Presence of God in you is your Unlimited Resource of Good. Rev. Ike transitioned in June 2009. Available to buy on Amazon. 


#BeYourBestSelf #Self #RevIkeWisdom #Followme on Twitter and Instagram or buy my books.

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Laura Mariani Best Selling Author, Content Creator and Change & Transformation Expert

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