'Be In Love With Your Life. Every Minute Of It" Jack Kerouac Said - To Sprinkle Fairy Dust is The Secret Of Life
ThePeopleAlchemist Edit: being in love with your life is pretty much the trick to life
Quit Thinking, Start Thanking was never more appropriate than today. As I am sitting here reviewing my notes for tomorrow's talk, I am beginning to be a tad apprehensive - what if they don't like me? What if nobody shows up? And so on, and so on... But then I remember that my inner critic is a sad lonely sod who's craving attention and one page from Pam Grout's Thank & Grow Rich pops to mind. I am currently practising the 30 days experiment in shameless gratitude. On this particular page (156) there is a quote by Jack Kerouac which goes: 'Be in love with your life. Every bit of it'. And that's pretty much the trick to life says Grout: if you get happy and feel grateful for what you have, everything else pretty much takes care of itself. It's the Law Of Attraction. Start thanking ... So I kicked my inner critic and started to list all the great things that have already happened to me about/with my book and I am grateful for the tickets/books already sold, I am grateful that I have the opportunity to speak in front of other women and, hopefully, to help some of them in believe in themselves. Life is marvellous. Of course, I also know that something amazingly awesome is going to happen to me each and every day. What about you? What are you kicking your inner critic for? And what are you grateful for? Now would be a great time to start practising and Quit Thinking; Start Thanking ...
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