Hold On To Your Dearest With All You Got; Let Them Know You Care Every Day, Now Is The Only Time - Be Your Best Self - A Daily Practice To Silence Your Inner Critic

Laura Mariani

ThePeopleAlchemist Edit: #SmashYourCeiling, change starts from within - Business & Lifestyle Experimentation for #TheWomanAlchemist - Hold on to your dearest with all you got

Hello there, and welcome back. Last week was a momentous time in the history of the United Kingdom, and yesterday we said our final goodbyes to our beloved Queen. I'm struggling to process all my feelings about it, but I will try to express my immediate thoughts this week.


The first and most important thing is to hold on to your dearest with all you have. Looking at the distraught faces of the Royal Family in the last ten days and especially yesterday, we could all see and feel their pain. I am sure that they all thought they had more time, far more time with their beloved mother and grandmother. But it was not to be. And for me, this is a great point to remember: live in the now, savour every minute and never, ever, ever petty small insignificant 'stuff' get in the way of telling the people you love that you do indeed love them. This is particularly important if you have elderly relatives. Tomorrow might never come, so do it today. Don't go to bed angry; make sure your goodbyes are filled with love, laughter and appreciation. Whoever you consider your dearest, being your birth family, adopted family or the family you have created yourself with your partner and/or your friends, love with passion every day. Now is the only time. See you tomorrow x #BeYourBestSelf #HoldOnToYourDearest #LovewithPassion #Followme on Twitter and Instagram
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Laura Mariani Best Selling Author, Content Creator and Change & Transformation Expert

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Laura xxx

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