Give Yourself Permission To Play And Have Fun- Be Your Best Self - A Practice To Silence Your Inner Critic

Laura Mariani

ThePeopleAlchemist Edit: #SmashYourCeiling, change starts from within - Business & Lifestyle Experimentation for #TheWomanAlchemist - Permission to play

Hello there and Happy Friday. After Wednesday's blog talking about being more aware of our mortality, I want to say one more time that I was NOT talking about people feeling suicidal or that we should be thinking about suicide. It was precisely the contrary: by acknowledging that we are indeed mortal and life is fragile, we can create a shift in perspective, helping us to appreciate people and the life around us more. And then ensure we do not take life for granted or put our dreams on hold. Being a full participant in life rather than an observer. Today I'd like to lighten the mood (well, I thought it was light Wednesday, too) and give ourselves permission to play and have fun.


Remember what it was like when you were a kid without a worry in the world and just played for the sake of playing and having fun? That is what I mean. No pressure to be good or perfect, no reason to do one thing or another and no need to spend any money. You can do absolutely whatever you fancy. If you have forgotten what it is like, go to a playground and watch how children play and engage with their physical environment. Human beings need to play to stimulate physical, intellectual and emotional health. As children, we play to learn social rules, develop motor skills and enhance social bonds. But when we grow, we forget. Well, it is time to revive that sense of playfulness and enjoy. You'll be surprised how better you feel. See you Monday x #BeYourBestSelf #Followme on Twitter and Instagram or buy my books
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Laura Mariani Best Selling Author, Content Creator and Change & Transformation Expert

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Laura xxx

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