Make Yourself Feel The Love, Feng Shui Your Space- Be Your Best Self - A Daily Practice To Silence Your Inner Critic

Laura Mariani

ThePeopleAlchemist Edit: #SmashYourCeiling, change starts from within - Business & Lifestyle Experimentation for #TheWomanAlchemist - Feng Shui

Hello there, and Happy Monday! Last week or so we have been talking a lot about making others feel the love to become our Best Human Selves. But you know what? We also have to make ourselves feel the love. And, to achieve that, sometimes we need to look at our environment. For a bit of help. Hear me out ...


Our environment can have both a positive and negative impact on our mental and physical well-being. And this is particularly important if you are working from home. I have heard many stories of people that normally work in offices but had to work at the home during the pandemic, and it has a negative effect on their work and life. To be more productive whilst maintaining your health and a positive family/personal life is important to look at your work area. Simple small changes can have a big impact. Like separating where you work from where you live/enjoy life. If that is not always possible due to space constraints, ensure that any resemblance of work can be tidily put away - out of sight, hopefully out of mind. Making sure you get your lighting right is also a very important piece. For example, if using a table lamp, point it upwards, which will reflect the light with a soft glow, reducing glare and shadow and creating a well-lit even surface. Particularly effective with bright bulbs and light walls. If you need more help with some more tips on this, check out the article How to Create Good Feng Shui in Your Home - you're welcome. It sounds simple but you will be surprised how small changes can make you feel much better x #BeYourBestHumanSelf #FengShui
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Laura Mariani Best Selling Author, Content Creator and Change & Transformation Expert

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Laura xxx

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