You Can Never Outperform Your Self-Image, Even With Money - Be Your Best Self - A Daily Practice To Silence Your Inner Critic
ThePeopleAlchemist Edit: Be your best self - #SmashYourCeiling, change starts from within -Business & Lifestyle Experimentation for #TheWomanAlchemist
Self-image is a b••••, you can never outperform it, and that's applicable even with money. Yesterday we talked about how Self-image affects your (mine, everybody's) relationship with your body; today is how self-image affects your money set point. PS: How did you do with the freewriting exercise? Did you do the exercise in the first place? I shall not comment here ...EVEN WITH MONEY
Ingrained patterns and experiences from childhood created the model for what money means to you today. This model is your Self-image related to money, income and abundance. If your parents were often angry about money or fighting over money issues and they felt disempowered about finances, you might associate money with anger or conflict. And this making you subconsciously not want too much. Or sabotage your goals of having it. Sometimes the paradigm isn't that obvious. But the bottom line is, if you don't have the level of money you say you want, emotions and programming related to money are interfering. Talking about money and income can trigger how you were taught to view your ability to thrive or survive. And what socioeconomic class you are in. Firstly, income is the direct flow of money into your life. It is received in exchange for time and energy. Secondly, as your income is usually the most significant stream of money flowing into your life, how you feel about it does matter. Thirdly, it is also a symbolic reflection of your belief about your personal and professional market value. Your belief in your worth and the value you give. And finally, it represents survival.YOUR VALUE SETPOINT
Income reflects what you believe you deserve at a deep level, based on programmed beliefs. So if you subconsciously believe you are not good enough, you'll keep your income low. Or work very hard for your money. And, if you suddenly start to earn more than your inner worth set point thinks you should, you'll subconsciously find a way to work harder. Longer hours. Sabotage it. Or somehow sacrifice more to make it feel fair (to be clear, this is totally unrelated to the right to equal pay or equity in the workplace). We are talking about your internal set point. Is your programming saying that no matter how much you make, there will always be something falling out of the sky to take your money? Or having a lot of money means you have done something bad/people shouldn't have too much and so on? Feelings power actions; they have precedence over logic, practicality and discipline. Recognise your emotions related to money and how they are connected to your financial picture so you can create a new one. The real questions here are:- how unhappy are you about your current financial situation?
- how badly do you want more money?
- enough to be honest with yourself about how you really feel about money?