E-Squared Experiment 4

E-Squared :  the law of attraction really works and the Universe is your catalogue to choose from - Experiment 4

Laura Mariani

ThePeopleAlchemist Edit: proving the Law of Attraction works, you get what you focus on.

Experiment 3 - The Alby Einstein Principle - was all to prove that everything is energy and that thoughts and feelings can change/move physical matter and NOW, it gets interesting...

Experiment 4. The Abracadabra Principle

Whatever you focus on expands. This is all about manifesting actual things; imagine the Universe to be a huge gigantic catalogue and you can order what you want - if you know what it is you want that is and focus on it. The point is to focus on what you want, only on what you want. Normally though we want something, then something else, then we have doubts about being able to really have what we want and so on. A useful analogy would be ordering a cab to go to the airport. You get it and you are on your way there when waiting "driver.... please take me back home, I forgot my passport'. So the driver turns back (reverse journey). "No wait, I think my passport is at my mother's"... 20 miles east ... you get the gist. Remember "our thoughts are vibrational energy waves that interact and influence the field. Every thought..creates a vibration that goes out, extending forever. These vibrations meet other... crisscrossing ... and enough energy together clumps into the matter. The coincidences we see in our lives are just energy and the field at work". What you give out comes back in equal measure like a boomerang - thoughts are extremely powerful, and our own negative thoughts are constantly derailing us ( Grout gives herself as an example and how much her self negative perception affected her writing until she read and put it into practice Write For Your Life by Laurence Block and her writing -and opportunities - changed because she changed what she thought and said about herself). When you want/ask for something you need to believe you already have it, just focus - it is yours. The beauty/fun of this experiment 4 is magnetising something you want into your life - just with your thoughts. Set an intention on what you want, be specific and set a deadline ( 48 hours). Abraham Hicks says " it is as easy to manifest a castle as a button" but I thought I start with baby steps and asked for a free coffee (and I meant paid by somebody for me without me asking ). Ok, so I went to the office ( we do have coffee available all day so that didn't count). Halfway through the day somebody wanted a last-minute meeting with me, I had a spare slot so I said "Ok, but it will need to be a walking meeting "- I was going from one meeting to the next in between two buildings. When my current one finished, as I got ready to go out for the walking meeting to my next meeting I thought: " I could really do with that coffee now". Out of the building, I went and what do you know? The person had a Starbuck double espresso con Panna ready for me (she knew I like it) - Thank you Universe!!! I know I know, you might say it is a coincidence. You know what? I like coincidences, idiosyncrasies, things just happening as I like them so I take that, thank you very much. I'm now going to start practising with bigger things, building my manifesting muscle, so to speak, and start ESquaring things - try it, you might like it !!! Manifesting gets better with practice, with believing and expecting - Ask and it is given. Ok enough for Experiment 4, now I have to practice. See you in a couple of days for Experiment 5 - The Dear Abby Principle.
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Laura Mariani Best Selling Author, Content Creator and Change & Transformation Expert

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Laura xxx

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