E-Squared Experiment 2

E-Squared: how to prove that the law of attraction really works - Experiment 2

Laura Mariani

ThePeopleAlchemist Edit: the Law of Attraction Experiments

E-Squared: how to prove that the law of attraction works - Experiment 2. Following the first experiment (The Dude Abide), the journey to verify if the Law of Attraction works continues. Who am I kidding, I believe the theory, but I am a pragmatical person, and I like facts. Reading the book has been entertaining; Grout writes in a super funny, engaging and comical style and can translate spiritual concepts in such simple ways that even a child can understand them, but now, here comes the fun...

Experiment 2. The Volkswagen Jetta Principle

You impact the field and draw from it according to your beliefs and expectations. This experiment, again lasting 48 hours, is divided into 2: on day 1, you concentrate on manifesting cars of a specific colour ( I chose bright red, I'm not too fond of the colour she suggested, and I never noticed red cars before where I live and wanted to make it difficult), on day 2 you are meant to manifest butterflies.

Day 1 recap

OK, day 1 of the experiment was lovely, and I was heading out of the house for a massage. As I came out of the door, I remembered I was experimenting, so I said aloud: " Universe remember it is bright red cars, bright red cars, bright red..." Well, I walked for less than 5 minutes when what did I see? An iconic London black cab guess what? That's right, painted red and simultaneously, a red car passing by on the other lane. I started smiling and kept thinking, "bright red cars". The experiment went so well that I had to stop after a few hours as it looked like the factory of bright red cars had let them loose all at once as they were everywhere.

Day 2

Day 2 of the experiment was very grey in London, and I was going for a business meeting. I was thinking butterflies, but I felt that the chances were slim in the middle of urban London on a day like that. Anyway, the meeting proceeded for quite a few hours, then towards the end, we were chatting about more personal matters, and my colleague started talking about her daughters. I told her they are adorable ( I know her and her family well), and she asked me if I wanted to see some pictures, " Yes, of course, I said". She showed me a selection of recently taken photos of her two girls (absolutely gorgeous), and all of a sudden, there it was a butterfly, and then another and then another (12 to be precise) on her phone, pictures from a visit they had at the National Science Museum. I must have looked like I was losing the plot as I started to laugh historically. Another Big Tick :-) As Grout says, your mind is like training a puppy; keep on taking it where you want it to go until it is trained: focus on what you what and only on what you want, and suddenly that is all you see. Get it? #followme and see you back here for the next experiment. #youcreateyourownreality #lifestyledesign #lifestyleedit #followme #like #share Business & Lifestyle Experimentation Blog for #TheWomanAlchemist #SmashYourCeiling #lifeexperiment
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Laura Mariani Best Selling Author, Content Creator and Change & Transformation Expert

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Laura xxx

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