E-Squared by Pam Grout, proving the Law of Attraction, Experiment 8: tune up, the world can be on your speed dial
Laura MarianiShare
The People Alchemist edit: proving the Law of Attraction works - you are connected to everyone and everything in the Universe - we are like 'morse-code' transmitters sending and receiving messages all the time if we only were paying attention...
Quantum mechanics call it nonlocality (=two particles behave synchronously with no intermediary) which theorist John S. Bell put forward in the 1960s something like 'There are no isolated systems; every particle in the universe is in "instantaneous" (i.e. faster than light) communication with every other particle. The Whole System, even the parts that are separate by cosmic distances, functions as a Whole System'. So how do we prove this?Experiment 8. The 101 Dalmatians
You are connected to everything and everyone else in the universe. This experiment is all about sending a message to someone you know using the principle of nonlocality (with your mind no phone, email, letter needed or leaving your house for that matter), fun non? The practical steps were:- select the target (person) - Grout suggests selecting someone specific that you have already met, although this in principle would/should work with anyone.
- what do you want the target (the person selected) to do? Write to you? Call you? Text? You choose.
- place your target in front of your mind's eye (I took this for visualise)
- connect with your target with your senses, emotions (Grout also suggests making it more fun and sending love and blessings)
'hey gorgeous, long time no hear...
how's 2019 treating you?
fancy a drink next week?'
I guess Experiment 8 worked ;-p.
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