E-Cubed Experiment 9 - The Yabba-dabba-doo Corollary: 'Get Yourself In Alignment With the Quantum Field And You'll Beam Like The Sun' Russell Brand Quote
Laura MarianiShare
ThePeopleAlchemist Edit: the life experiment continues - we have nothing to lose by attempting to achieve the miraculous
'Get yourself in alignment with the quantum field and you'll beam like the sun' - Russell Brand. Life is a mirror of our beliefs and expectations: if we believe life is hard and then we grow old and frail that's exactly what we are going to experience. But if our energetic frequency is open and receptive, then life flows easily and effortlessly (because we believe and expect so). We can achieve a different better vibration with just little tweaks, like these - moving from ... to :- 'I have to' to 'I get to': I'm so excited I get back to work and make money on Monday
- 'it's just the way it is' to 'what else is possible?': what else is possible if I let go of everything I know?
- 'why can't I do this?' to 'what if..?': what if I start each day with a completely clean slate?
- 'there's not enough' to 'there's more where that came from': there is always plenty of time...
- 'it's hard' to 'it's a piece of cake': life is easy
- 'I'm all alone' to 'I'm connected to everyone': infinite intelligence is constantly available...
E-Cubed Experiment 9. The Yabba-dabba-doo Corollary
Life is miraculous, and I can't really die. This experiment is not about getting 'things' - it's about letting in or, better still, letting go of all preconceptions erroneous notions for the next 3 days and :- ask the universe for a 'transcendent moment'
- every time you are in front of a mirror, remind yourself: 'This is not who I am. I am so much more than this limited body'
- be absorbed in the feeling and knowing that you are deeply loved, taken care of and having the abundance of all you need
- notice the buzz within our body
- notice dropping into an infinite ocean of infinite possibilities