E-Cubed Experiment 8 - The Placebo Corollary: 'Our Thoughts Hold More Medicine Than Many Of The Astonishing Breakthroughs Of Our Time', Kris Carr Quote

Laura Mariani

ThePeopleAlchemist Edit: the life experiment continues - we can never perceive what is real. We can only perceive what is real to us. E-Cubed Experiment 8

After Experiment 7 - The 'If You Say So' Corollary with the three days #nocomplaints challenge, I have experienced a completely different level of mind control/awareness (my mind) and how this impacts reality. My days have been brighter, and things that usually bothered me didn't. Even people reacted differently to me in response to the story I was telling myself about myself (not going crazy here, read the blog about Experiment 7 - it will make sense). We are now moving to mind controls the body from mind controls reality.

Mind patterns

Grout explains very well how this happens typically (unfortunately in a negative manner):
  1. Firstly, we notice something wrong
  2. Secondly, we begin focusing on it
  3. Thirdly, we wonder what 'it' might be
  4. Fourthly, we start investing in it
  5. Then, we give it a name
  6. And we Goggle it (obviously, what were we doing before Mr Google, who knows?)
  7. Plus we start telling our friends
  8. Finally, we look for/join special groups about it
  9. that's it. We are sick now.
However, the mind can affect things better: there are endless cases where placebo medicine/s achieved the same and better results than the actual cure. In the late 1970s, Dr Ellen Langer, a Harvard professor, conducted a radical experiment to see how many ageing's adverse effects could be manipulated and even erased by psychological interventions. What did she do then? Dr Langer took a group of men in their 70s in a converted monastery staged in 1959 with black and white period TV, magazines, movies. There was nothing modern, including their clothing, not any mirrors plus, despite that the men have physical impairments, no provisions were made to acknowledge this. The men were told to think and behave as if it were 1959 and discuss historical events, what they saw on TV as actual news. The point was to put people in a psychologically better setting — one where they would associate with a better, younger version of themselves and that their bodies would/could follow. And you know what? They did. On the last day of the study, Langer wrote, men "who had seemed so frail" just days before ended up playing "an impromptu touch football game on the front lawn." Amazing, non? So now it is time for us to do the same with...

E-Cubed Experiment 8. The Placebo Corollary

Reality is fluid and constantly changing, reflecting back my innermost beliefs. In this experiment, no I'm not asking to recreate 1959 or 79 but, for 3 days, to become doctors and write our own remedy for a physical issue we want to change. Well, pretend doctors, or pretend our doctor wrote a prescription with this fabulous new miraculous cure for our physical problem. Then, after rubbing our hands together to generate heat/energy, hold the hands over a glass full of water for 15 seconds. After the 15 seconds, drink the water slowly - focusing on its magical healing properties over the physical problem. Repeat for three days. Remember the Harvard study: 'Wherever you put the mind, the body will follow' - Dr Ellen Langer, Harvard Professor of Psychology It's not the placebo that affects the recovery, it's the mindset you adopt. Ready? #followme #like #share #youcreateyourownreality #takechargeofyourlife #smashyourceiling Business & Lifestyle Experimentation Blog for #TheWomanAlchemist #SmashYourCeiling #lifeexperiment
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Laura Mariani Best Selling Author, Content Creator and Change & Transformation Expert

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Laura xxx

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