E-Cubed Experiment 5: Your New Best Friend Forever Or Like Pam Grout Says It "Money Is Nothing But Energy And A Reflection Of My Beliefs", Repeat After Me and Rihanna- B**** Better Have My Money
Laura MarianiShare
ThePeopleAlchemist Edit: the life experiment continues - you are what you believe, start to believe you are money then...
It has been a few weeks since my last Experiment (I'm Loving, And I Know It), not because I abandoned the Law Of Attraction/Energy experimentation but more because I was focusing and writing about the Thirty Days To A More Powerful Self-Image daily affirmation process from Write For Your Life by Lawrence Block ( incidentally this was a book that Pam Grout herself used to raise her self-esteem as a writer and recommended in E-Squared the pre-cursor to E-Cubed and if it worked for THE Pam Grout, I thought I might as well give it a go - PS: LOVED IT!).
I am back again by raising my vibrations and getting my groove on.
Experiment 5. Your New B.F.F. Corollary
Money is nothing but energy and a reflection of my beliefs. This is a fascinating experiment and concept as it challenges perhaps entrenched beliefs around the subject both in what money represents and that it is difficult to get it. The reality is, Grout, says, money is energy like anything else, and it is only your baggage around it that it keeps you from having it. Your current financial situation is directly correlated to/ a reflection of your beliefs and expectations. Change your beliefs, change your finances. Now, I can see how this can be difficult to digest and goes against everything you/we have been taught. There are two points here for me to note:- if you agree with the principle (from physics/Einstein) that everything is energy, then money, like everything else, IS energy too;
- if you decide that thoughts (and words) become things, the same applies to money.
E-Cubed Experiment 5 (which lasts three days) follows exactly this hypothesis :
If I change my beliefs about money, my financial situation will change.
Part 1 of the Experiment: If I give away money, I will receive even more money (what you give out returns to you multiplied).
What does it mean in practice?
During the three days, leave small bills (US Author, I guess pound coins will do) with notes about your new beliefs - telling strangers that this money, when they find it, is a sign of an abundant Universe.
Part 2 of the Experiment: Pennies from heaven (Money is easy to come by).
During the three days, look for pennies everywhere, and I mean EVERYWHERE, and then celebrate as if you have just won the Lottery JackPot. This follows the principle that the Universe doesn't know/recognise if you have a million dollars/pounds or feel like a million dollars/pounds and gives you back the same energy.
This sounds challenging (old beliefs - you have to work hard for money, be responsible, it is hard to come by, and just the giving out money willy-nilly as opposed to good causes) but worth experimenting on.
If you tried this Experiment before or something similar, let me know - leave a comment;
if you haven't, why don't you try it with me?
Think about this: The Universe as your Sugar-Daddy/Mummy - if that isn't fun, I don't know what is?
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