E-Cubed experiment 4 - The "I'm Loving and I Know It" Corollary - Donna Summer Comes To Mind - Ahhh, Love To Love You Baby...
ThePeopleAlchemist Edit: the life experiment continues - love isn't something you have to find - you are a love bomb!
After re-writing in The Simon Cowell Corollary experiment one of the 'stories' I was telling to myself about myself < It is not safe to reveal myself to others and Am I Good enough (to do...)?> and starting to tell a different story (I am perfect just the way I am) it was now time to spread the love so to speak and move to...
E-Cubed Experiment 4. The "I'm Loving and I Know It"
Being in love with everyone and everything brings me into alignment with the F.(Field of)P. (Potentiality). This experiment is all about proving that you love everyone: when you don't is because you are projecting onto others the view we have about ourselves, where everyone has their character to play in our 'drama'. Once you leave this behind, you are more connected to the Universe/God/Tom Cruise (however you'd like to call it). The Universe doesn't judge and supports us unconditionally, we are the only ones who do judge and once we stop the drama and starts seeing ourselves and others like the Universe sees us, well, that's when life starts to rock. With high vibrations, no resistance, everything flows... So what are we meant to do here?DONNA SUMMER BABY
The E-Cubed Experiment 4 calls for two things:- Be a love bomber - write love notes on sticky notes and leave them everywhere ( for people to find them). If you have been following my blog, I've been already writing affirmations and posting them to myself so, what the heck, this was a piece of cake.
- Appreciate the world's most annoying person. I've picked someone I deal with for business that has been annoying me a lot lately and has looked for things to appreciate and praise.