'I Went Twenty One Days Without Complaining And It Changed My Life' - Said Tim Ferriss - Why Don't You Try It Too? What is the worse that can happen? A better life? Day 2 of the #nocomplaints challenge
Laura MarianiShare
ThePeopleAlchemist Edit: the life experiment continues - if we were just 1% complaints free, it would just be the beginning of paradise - DAY 2 OF THE #NOCOMPLAINTS CHALLENGE
Day 2 of the #nocomplaints challenge, and today, I looked for people who have successfully done the same. We all need a role model to push us, so here they are: 'I went 21 days without complaining, and it changed my life' - Tim Ferriss. How do I think the world would be if 1% of the world's population were complaint free? Gosh, just imagine … people would speak kind, they're more kindly to each other. Courtesy would be invited back into the living room, the bedroom, the children's room, and the kitchen. "If 1% of our world were complaint-free, we would care more about the children and realize that every child is our child. The black one and the white one, the pretty one, the plain one, the Asian and the Muslim, the Japanese and the Jewish. Everyone is our child. And we are all brothers and sisters. Irrespectively. If we were just 1% free of complaints, imagine that we would stop blaming other people for our mistakes and hating them because they caused the error in our minds. Just imagine if we laughed more frequently if we had the relentless courage to touch each other. It would be a just beginning of paradise you know" - transcript from Dr Maya Angelou. I don't even dare to think what the world would be like if we were 5% complaints free. Too much to comprehend right now. Far, too far away. Sounds like Utopia, but definitely a place I'd like to be in a better life. Have you tried it? The #nocomplaints challenge, not Utopia ;-) If not, why don't you? Try it: what's the worse that can happen? A better life?
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