consciously create

Love Is The Power That Creates Everything - You Have The Power To Consciously Create - Be Your Best Self - A Daily Practice To Silence Your Inner Critic

Laura Mariani

ThePeopleAlchemist Edit: #SmashYourCeiling, change starts from within - Business & Lifestyle Experimentation for #TheWomanAlchemist

Hello there, Awakening the Feminine Essence/Energy is all about FREEDOM to be exactly who you are. And to know that who you are is LOVE. The Feminine Essence lives in us ALL. It is time for a new dawn and the fully embodied, awakened, empowered women. And as today we are celebrating International Women's day I can't see a better day to talk about this realisation. When the awakened sense of Self as Love starts to settle in and live through you, your Soul and Body meet, bringing this awareness of Love back into your life and everything you do. As women awaken, the Feminine Essence within us naturally wants to embody ALL. Love truly is the force that creates and moves everything. And so, you will feel EVERYTHING. But, no worry, there is room for everything. Nothing gets denied, no life experience gets left out. All emotions - good and bad - are welcomed in to be felt, all thoughts, sensations, and expressions are allowed to flow. Again, as we welcome all of the energy of life, we naturally - as Feminine Women - start to feel a deep sense of being COMPLETE. At HOME.


We get to feel and experience ALL of life, moving through us, with a different level of Self-Love and acceptance. There is the True Freedom to be, know, love precisely as you are. As we become physical, living embodiments of different flavours of the Feminine Essence/Energy, we consciously create our realities from the inside out. As within, so without. The outside becomes a mirror for what is happening within. A reflection. You'll respect yourself, and others will respect you. And we can CHOOSE what energies we want to embody and create our realities from the inside out. See you tomorrow x
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Laura Mariani Best Selling Author, Content Creator and Change & Transformation Expert

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Laura xxx

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