"Be The Person Who Creates Positive Ripple Effects" - Camilla Kragius - Be Your Best Self - A Daily Practice To Silence Your Inner Critic
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ThePeopleAlchemist Edit: Be your best self - #SmashYourCeiling, change starts from within -Business & Lifestyle Experimentation for #TheWomanAlchemist
Every day and every week, you can start afresh. Last week we focused on dramatically shifting your life, For the better, For your new Best Self. And so, we are continuing this week, conscious that our thoughts make an impact. So be the person that creates positive ripple effects all around you.The Power of Positive Thinking (a great book, by the way) is contagious and moves in all directions, just as do the rays of the sun. And it is not that difficult. Just commit to focusing on positive thinking. Be the change you seek. Be the person who creates positive ripple effects. You do that by offering a kind word, a smile. One small can make all the difference. In you and others. See you tomorrow x In case you'd like to revisit, here are last week blogs:"Like a stone thrown into the water, thought produces ripples and waves which spread out over the great ocean of thought" - William Walker Atkinson
- ”Monday, Monday, So Good To Me; Monday Morning, It Was All I Would Hoped It Would Be” – John Phillips
- “Start Each Day With A Positive Thought And A Grateful Heart” Roy T. Bennett
- “Let Your Good Deeds Be Like Rain. Drop A Little Everywhere” – Abdelillah al Albanee
- “It Is Impossible To Feel Grateful And Depressed In The Same Moment” – Naomi Williams
- “I Only Have Good Vibes" – Jadon Sancho
- “Throw Your Hands Up In The Air And Celebrate Life” – Steven Tyler – Lighten Up & Be Your Best Self
- “Let This Sunday Be: A Day To Reflect, A Day Of Respect For All You Have Been Blessed Let Your Joy Be Expressed” – C. Pulsifer