Rise Up To Your New Self-Image, Act Your Story - Be Your Best Self - A Daily Practice To Silence Your Inner Critic
ThePeopleAlchemist Edit: Be your best self - #SmashYourCeiling, change starts from within -Business & Lifestyle Experimentation for #TheWomanAlchemist
Hello again, to unlock, ignite and transform your life you need to tell And act your story, both are necessary and mutually reinforcing. Act your story in the areas of your new body/health, prosperous life, fantastic career and family life and your lover.ACT YOUR STORY
Yesterday we talked about the first step to create your new Self-image: telling your story. To yourself. Until it becomes part of you. Until it becomes you.
Actors do it all the time to create their characters. And so can you. Like a method actor, you will now fully immerse yourself in your new character, your new Self-image.I hope you have started to incorporate telling your new story in your morning and evening routine. Reading it out loud, with emotion. How did it feel? I bet it felt a bit strange. Maybe if you even felt a bit like a fraud as you cannot see what you are saying in reality and you haven't worked out "the how" is going to happen. Don't worry, it is very common. The more you tell the story, the more comfortable it will become. And it will start to sink in in your subconscious. Step two, acting your new story, builds on that. Now as you go out and about on your daily activities stop a minute and start thinking: how would my new higher Self, the new person with this new life, would act in this situation? And then do that. Think of yourself as that new Self and act as she would. If you have written a new story where you are a millionaire and travel the world first-class and right now you are in debt, I'm now saying here you should start using money you do not currently have. But you could start acting like you feel abundant and that life has opportunities rather than obstacles. You can act like someone who feels super gorgeous and attractive. Start with one tiny step. Each day you tell yourself your new story and choose one or more things where you can act as if. And each day you'll feel better about it and more and more like THAT person. See you tomorrow for step three. In the meantime, practice, practice and more practice. Rome was not built in a day ... Bye x"I acted like Cary Grant for so long, I became him" - Cary Grant