Flexible working, what flexible working? In a digital world, flexitime and flexilife are now the new normal. Join the new world..
Laura MarianiShare
ThePeopleAlchemist Edit: flexibility is the new work deal commodity
Flexible working. What flexible working? In a digital world, flexitime and flexilife are now the new normal. Join the new world. Flexible working legislation was introduced in the UK in 2003. It gave the right to request flexible working arrangements to parents with children under six or parents with disabled children under 18. Since then, several updates have broadened flexible working legislation to include all employees in June 2014. The need to go into a workplace five days a week began because people had to go to a factory. And make products. Some still do. But these restrictions do not apply to all companies. However, some still treat employees the same. So they are finding themselves at a disadvantage in a global economy. With international clients, I'm not sure about the nine-to-five suits anymore. The 4-Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss exploded onto the market in 2007 with the blueprint for living more and working less. How to exchange a career for life. And do whatever you want. This is aimed at both entrepreneur/digital nomads and employees capitalising on the fact that flexibility and lifestyle are more and more the new career deal. Time is the new money. And flexibility is the latest work deal commodity. Companies wishing to keep up with this ever-increasing requirement and remain competitive in the marketplace need to make flexibility a strategic issue. Focusing on agility with the ability to be always customer-focused and responsive. Creating organisations with agility/flexibility at their core also benefits attracting (and retaining) a far more diverse workforce.IN PRACTICE
To work in practice, it needs:- firstly explicit agreement on how it is going to work for each role.
- Secondly, how internal/external customers needs will be taken care of.
- Then clear expectations.
- Clear and open KPIs.
- Finally, tracking and measuring KPIs.