Mind the gap part 2

Career Breaks Can Be For So Many Reasons : How Do You Explain The Inevitable Breaks In Your CV? How Does This Square With A Truly Inclusive Workplace?Mind The Gap ... Part 2

Laura Mariani

The People Alchemist Edit: the world of work has changed, and more and more people have career breaks for multiple reasons but do they still hinder opportunities with employers? Mind the Gap Part 2

Career Breaks Can Be For So Many Reasons. How Do You Explain The Inevitable Breaks In Your CV? How Does This Square With A Truly Inclusive Workplace? Mind The Gap Part 2 ... In Part 1 of this blog last week, I spoke about the evolving world of work with the 9-5 paradigm almost obsolete, emphasising flexibility, autonomy, and lifestyle as the new priorities. This week I want to touch upon the diversity and inclusion challenge with a high proportion of people returning to work after a break being women and older workers. The gender pay gap, an ageing workforce and the still unfortunately minute representation of women on boards mean that the approach to returners needs to be more flexible. And to facilitate reintroduction into appropriate roles without creating unnecessary barriers such as requiring excessive justification of CV gaps, inflexible offerings (in terms of role and working conditions). Or lower pay that does not reflect previous experience. I know tried and tested methods are more straightforward. But if employers want to create a diverse AND inclusive workforce, they need to adopt an inclusive approach. Talk the talk and walk the walk baby. Being truly inclusive means supporting different life choices without penalties. And enriching the talent pool and creating a competitive advantage by reflecting and understanding the customer base. It is the right thing to do AND the business thing to do. How's your workplace tackle returners to work and career gaps? Share your story...
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Laura Mariani Best Selling Author, Content Creator and Change & Transformation Expert

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Laura xxx

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