Santa Claus is coming to Town....
Laura MarianiShare
ThePeopleAlchemist Edit: Has Christmas now morphed into another day for consumerism? Or is it still a religious thing? Santa Claus is coming to town
Has Christmas morphed into another day for consumerism? Or is it still a religious thing? Santa Claus is coming to town ... With Black Friday and Cyber Monday now extending to full weeks with pre and post days deals, pre-Christmas shopping has reached epic proportions. And then it starts again with the Boxing Day sales (including for food. Presumably, most people missed the memo that the shops re-open in a few days. There is no need to stockpile like we're just about to enter WW3), excellent non?
Giving presents is part of Christmas, but it is only a tiny part of it; the pressure to buy things and "create a holiday" can be very stressful and is unrelated to what many consider the original reason for Christmas, to celebrate the birth of Christ.
Even though Christmas may have now morphed into a secular holiday for many people, I think it is important to remember, religious/observing or not, to enjoy it and spend the day with family, friends and loved ones. These times are precious, and laughter and memories last a lifetime much more than the latest gadget or "in" thing. Santa Claus is coming to town to celebrate.
#creatememories #givetime #payitforward #bekind