Your Brand Is Your Look, Voice And Reputation. What Does Your Website Say About You? Get Your Ingredients Right And You'll Fly. Business Tips For #TheWomanAlchemist #FemaleFounders #TechTuesday
ThePeopleAlchemist Edit: Business & Lifestyle Experimentation for #TheWomanAlchemist #SmashYourCeiling #TechTuesday
Your Brand Is Your Look, Voice And Reputation. What Does Our Website Say About You? Get Your Ingredients Right And You'll Fly. Business Tips For #TheWomanAlchemist #FemaleFounders #TechTuesday. So far we talked about setting up a business and how to make it pay, using technology for customer contact, maximising the site selling power, converting visitors into leads and having a marketing strategy. So far so good. The whole e-commerce platform should be built and ran to maximise sales, profit and achieve a sustainable business. But for me, where my business is built on my brand, is more than just that: it needs to reflect my personality and share my expertise. I think this is particularly true for solopreneurs, self-employed, creatives, writers but also for any business. Personal Branding makes you recognisable from the crowd and builds an audience, your audience, and increases your business's value and embeds it forever in the minds of your customers.Your brand is your look
The look and feel of your website need to reflect your brand identity, but how do you do that? 3 quick starting points:- a logo - the right logo gives your customers a visual representation of you, what your business stands for, your services in one single image which is then seen in all communications, pretty important non?
- clear direction - for your customers/visitors that is. They need to be able to find what they want easily and get it (buy something that is) as easily. The experience they have on your site is how they will view your brand.
- content content content - firstly the content needs to be consistent with your brand and across the site and, most importantly, up to date and engaging.