It is #Tech Tuesday - Setting up a business online is accessible to everyone: 10 easy ways to make it pay. Business tips for #TheWomanAlchemist #FemaleFounders

Laura Mariani

ThePeopleAlchemist Edit: Business & Lifestyle Experimentation for #TheWomanAlchemist #SmashYourCeiling #TechTuesday

It is #Tech Tuesday - Setting up a business online is accessible to everyone: 10 easy ways to make it pay. Business tips for #TheWomanAlchemist #FemaleFounders. The exercise to practice of week 26 of Art And Soul Reloaded (read my blog from Sunday "They Say When Opportunity Knocks You Should Let It In & Invite It To Sit At The Table. F*ck That - When Opportunity Knocks, Take It Captive" - Tracy Morgan) was to generate 10 businesses you could start from home. Stretching the idea muscles. "Thanks to the democratization of digital technology, anyone who wants to can follow his or her dreams. The tools are now available for all of us to be innovators, artists, inventors, creators (stay-at-home-mums, students, anyone etc. etc.). We live in a time when one person writing at the coffee shop on the computer can reach millions. We live in an era when anyone who wants has leverage and a platform." - Pam Grout. Starting your own business online though means you have to be savvy about digital. And find how to make it pay.

Here 10 ways to do so:

  1. Inexpensive platforms - there are plenty of inexpensive quality templates for a website that does the trick at low cost - no need to splash out the cash. Keep it for where and when you need it most
  2. Make it work - FAST. if you fail, fail fast, learn and adapt. Google Analytics can help to know what works and what doesn't
  3. Social Media is key - social media is both for marketing and for entering into a dialogue with immediate feedback mechanism from target customers - use it wisely
  4. Deliver - as promised - get products out to the customers on time and, most importantly, as advertised
  5. Relationships - look for suitable partnerships with more established businesses to help with growth
  6. Payments - think about the customer journey and make it as easy as possible to make a purchase
  7. Learn from the competition - what is your competition doing, do you know? Keep a close eye and learn what works for them - can you adapt it?
  8. SEO, SEO, SEO... need I say more?
  9. Keep in touch - follow up on customers' purchases with email marketing for feedback and additional service or just to say thanks for buying your product/s
  10. Word of mouth - ask your customers for reviews and feedback that you can display on your website - there's nothing better than word of mouth.
Business online IS accessible. Try. You're welcome :-) #youcreateyourownreality #lifestyledesign #lifestyleedit #followme #like #share Business & Lifestyle Experimentation Blog for #TheWomanAlchemist #SmashYourCeiling #TechTuesday
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Laura Mariani Best Selling Author, Content Creator and Change & Transformation Expert

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Laura xxx

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