One Year In 52 Books: My Four Books On The Go This Month - #AmReading October
Laura MarianiShare
ThePeopleAlchemist Edit: books can be your best friends, keeping you company and helping you to dream, and your pocket mentors - every page a mini-lesson waiting to be absorbed - #amreading October
Hello there, and welcome back, my lovely readers and the reading community. It is time for me to share more book recommendations, again a mix and match of fiction and nonfiction, classics and modern. Getting ready for the Christmas season.
The average CEO reads 52 books per year – that's one book every week. My four books on the go this month – #amreading October – are:
- The Collected Poems by Sylvia Plath;
- The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas J Stanley and William D Danko;
- Branding Pays by Karen Kang;
- Superheros: Inspiring Stories of Secret Strength by Sophia Thakur
The Collected Poems by Sylvia Plath, #TheWomanAlchemist for October. This collection was awarded the 1981 Pulitzer Prize for poetry and contains her mature poetry written from 1956 to 1963. 'For me, the most important literary event of 1981 has been the publication, eighteen years after her death, of Sylvia Plath's Collected Poems, confirming her as one of the most powerful and lavishly gifted poets of our time.' - A. Alvarez. I couldn't have said better myself.
Firslty, we start with The Millionaire Next Door, a book by Thomas J Stanley and William D Danko. At first, I was inspired by the title, and I thought I would read some great secret, unknown wisdom. Not quite. The book is a bit basic, full of cliche and common sense content-wise. I know, I always say simply does it, and common sense is not that common, so perhaps it will be useful to someone. Read it and let me know what you think.Secondly, Karen Kang's Branding Pays continues the September marketing theme. But this time, we are talking about personal branding. Because if you don't have the package that will take you to the next level of your career, you need to reinvent your brand. And so this book is a practical step-by-step guide ( I like practical and easy) to strategic personal branding to refocus your skills and experience, making you the best candidate for the job, career and business opportunities you desire. Karen Kang is a former partner at Regis McKenna and in this book, she builds upon concepts and techniques from the very same marketing firm that created and launched the Apple brand. Useful.