#amreading june

One Year In 52 Books: My Four Books On The Go This Month - #AmReading June

Laura Mariani

ThePeopleAlchemist Edit: books can be your best friends, keeping you company and helping you to dream, and your pocket mentors - every page a mini-lesson waiting to be absorbed - #amreading June

Hello again, my lovely readers and reading community. I'm back again with some more books to share, a mix and match of fiction and nonfiction, classics and modern alike. My never-ending quest toward knowledge, self-improvement and just a good read continues...


The average CEO reads 52 books per year - that's one book every week. My four books on the go this month - #amreading June - are:


The first book is The Story of My Life by Helen Keller, #TheWomanAlchemist for this month. Helen Keller made people realise that a disability should not be a barrier to achievement and fullness of life. I will go into more detail about this book in the #TheWomanAlchemist blog later this month. The Story of My Life is Helen Keller's heart-warming and inspiring early life memoir.


Unshakable is another pearl of wisdom by Tony Robbins, one of my favourite coaches. As always, Tony uses inspiring stories to illustrate his points like:
  • how to put together a simple, actionable plan to achieve financial freedom
  • how to protect yourself and your family and maximise profit from the inevitable crashes and corrections to come
  • the core four principles to maximise upside and minimise downside.
  • how to master the mindset of true wealth and experience the fulfilment you deserve today.
The book is USA biased, but I think everyone can find easy, actionable points to takeaway. If You Are Not First, You Are Last by Grant Cardone is a book to teach you how to sell your products and services—despite the economy—and ways to capitalise regardless of their product, service, or idea. It is a sales book from a sales expert for non-sales people. Useful.


And finally, Orlando by Virginia Woolf Orlando is a semi-biographical novel based partly on the life of Woolf's lover Vita Sackville-West. It is generally considered an essential work in literature, particularly in the history of women's writing and gender studies. Woolf's Orlando is the story of a young nobleman during the Elizabethan Age. By a mysterious quirk of luck, he can experience the pangs and privileges of both genders; as you read through the pages, you can witness Orlando's transformation from a sixteenth-century man to a twentieth-century woman. The fascinating story is at times poetic, at times lengthy (very), but always engaging. Woolf uses the stream-of-consciousness technique to articulate the androgynous protagonist's dilemmas and longings. By the novel's end, her stance on the matter of gender is evident: whatever the trappings of Orlando, their personality is the same. The novel is from a period which flouted the traditional sex barriers, but rather than joining the likes of the suffragettes or their opposition, Wolf formulated a philosophy which effortlessly combined the two. Both sexes are inherently equal; women are neither superior nor inferior to men. And more than that, one cannot differentiate between them. We are the same. And both sexes are members of humanity and not wishing to divide humankind with an imaginary line. Look to yourself and your friends merely as a person, for the soul can never change.
PS: If you fancy reading something else, please browse round . Enjoy!
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Laura Mariani Best Selling Author, Content Creator and Change & Transformation Expert

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Laura xxx

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