One Year In 52 Books: My Four Books On The Go This Month - #AmReading January
Laura MarianiShare
ThePeopleAlchemist Edit: books can be your best friends, keeping you company and helping you to dream, and your pocket mentors - every page a mini-lesson waiting to be absorbed - #amreading January
Hello, my lovely readers and reading community and welcome to my #amreading January blog. I do not like making new year's resolutions :
- I don't believe in them
- they usually don't work
But I do believe in new beginnings - starting over/not giving up on your dreams. Every day is a new chance and can be the beginning of YOUR new year.
In my Behind The Scene blog I've talked about my 2022 goals:
- doubling down and focusing on digital and letting go of things that require that time for money exchange as much as possible by:
- publishing wide (multiple platforms and formats)
- with related content
- selling direct (books, audiobooks and courses).
- publishing wide (multiple platforms and formats)
Tim Ferriss though recommends starting with four specific books, the 'so called' (by him) The Fundamental Four, to people who aspire to design their lifestyle around a digital-first model. The books mentioned below are in the sequence they should be read.
The average CEO reads 52 books per year - that's one book every week. And so, my four books on the go this month - #amreading January - are:
- The Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz
- How To Make Millions With Your Ideas - An Entrepreneur Guide by Dan S. Kennedy
- The E-Myth Revisited; Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work And What To do About It By Michael E. Gerber
- Vagabonding: An UncommonGuide To The Art Of Long Term Travel by Rolf Potts.