Becoming The Master Of Your Destiny: Speak Your Truth And Rock The Boat– Behind the Scenes Of My Business – Updates from An Independent Creative

Laura Mariani

The PeopleAlchemist Edit: change & transformation, business & lifestyle experimentation for TheWomanAlchemist - behind the scenes - Master of your destiny

Hello there, and welcome back to October Behind the Scene blog. This month, I will not tell you about my books or business, but I will go a bit more behind the scenes and talk about myself. That's right. After all, as an independent creative, author and business owner, everything starts with me. And even when you are not a business owner or self-employed, your career and life are always down to you. You are the master of your destiny, like it or not. Here I am talking about finding and using my authentic voice and switching things up in my business and writing. I started my business because I wanted to have a portfolio career and be able to do interim work/consulting with other things I love (writing). Or at least that's what I told myself.


Lately, I have been looking at my decisions and sometimes the fear behind my business choices. Fear is subconscious and ubiquitous for most of us, returning to our ancestors who needed to assemble in tribes for survival. Today this continues; we do not want to be excluded, left out, or ostracised for saying or doing the wrong thing. Yet sometimes, we take this a bit too far and dilute who we are and hide away what we know to be true about ourselves and our dreams. We all know the truth about who we are and what we want but are often too scared to speak. In my case, I told myself I wanted a portfolio career and not to climb the career ladder any longer. Because I was too afraid to say I wanted to be an author and pursue a lifelong dream. Since the beginning, interim work/consulting found a way to take over, even though I wrote and published four books while in contracts, where I worked an average of sixty hours per week. I haven't always been good at saying NO regarding work/business opportunities. I run my own business, and every NO feels like burning bridges to more opportunities. Yet, not every offer floats/floated my boat. During the pandemic, I examined how much my self-worth relied on outside achievements. For example, how much confidence did I derive from others telling me they liked my work or thought I was good? Again, the revelation was startling as I discovered how much of that power (over my life/career) I had handed to others.


I had to shut down my inner critic and have hope in my trajectory - when all decision-making was on my terms. It does get easier with practice ( I don't write a Be Your Best Self, Silence Your Inner Critic blog as a coincidence, you know). Learning to say NO to interim/consulting work opportunities means I have to flex my confidence muscle and turn on some hope that I am making the right choices. Confidence is essential for me, knowing that turning down work won't result in losing everything. And so, as a result of my introspection, I can now say out loud that I AM an author ( I have published fourteen books, after all) and run an author business. There, I said it. We can all be courageous, stand up for our beliefs, and pursue our dreams. However, sometimes you need to rock the boat, and not everyone will like it. Speak your truth and become the master of your destiny. Laura x PS: You can get my books are available from Amazon, Barnes & Nobles, Kobo, all major retailers and, of course, from my bookshop.
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Laura Mariani Best Selling Author, Content Creator and Change & Transformation Expert

Hi there, I hope you enjoyed this post. Please do provide me with feedback.

I want to hear ‘the good, the bad and the ugly’. If you disagree with me or want to provide a different perspective, leave a comment. Tell me what’s on your mind.

Do remember though to be respectful and kind – we can agree to disagree, no need to be nasty. Thank you.


Laura xxx

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