Living a double life

Living A Double Life : Finding The Time For Creativity Recapturing My Authentic Self And Day-To-Day Business Adventures - The Dilemma Of A Portfolio/Co-Careerist

Laura Mariani

ThePeopleAlchemist Edit: behind the scenes - business and lifestyle experimentation for #TheWomanAlchemist

I started my business because I wanted to have a so-called portfolio career, AKA not just do one thing. Finding an outlet for personal expression, pursuing my interests/passions and turning them into a business. For the past few years, I have divided my time between consulting/project management, interim work and writing a book plus blogging. Publishing a book and being an author is a business in itself—a business within a business.

Living a double life: finding the time for creativity within day-to-day business commitments

Helping companies through major changing events, like mergers & acquisitions and outsourcing exercises, is satisfying and allows me to keep up-to-date with business trends. It also gives me variety, which is undeniably good for personal and professional growth. Creativity as I see it is combining things that weren't combined before. It, therefore, requires more than one line of expertise. So far, so good. All my life, though, I've been a closet bohemian. On the outside, a determined achiever, but on the inside a free-spirited artist. Lately, I have been feeling this disconnect more and more and feeling exhausted. You can read here how I'm getting back into the groove. Recapturing my authentic self and becoming more, and unleashing my bold, audacious inner Isadora Duncan has become my focus. I follow Pam Grout, the author and my muse, and love love love her book "Art & Soul Reloaded" (read my blog on my previous attempts to unleash my inner Isadora). Going back to writing has been great, and well, my three new babies are out, and you can get a download here on my website or the paperback version on Amazon. Every day in every way I'm living a double life less and less. I wish the same to you. Think The Part, Look The Part and Act The Part are out NOW. Go on; you know you want to ... I hope you'll like them x ThinkLook Act The Part Series
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Laura Mariani Best Selling Author, Content Creator and Change & Transformation Expert

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Laura xxx

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