How to Write & Publish a Book in 30 days - D Day
A public diary on how I have beaten procrastination and finally written ( and published) a book - The Countdown - D-DAY
The time is getting closer and closer to the book launch of STOP IT, It's all in your head my new book ( D-Day is 22 September for Business Women's Day - US).I have now received the paperback proof copy, which looks fabulous: a couple of things to correct, but overall, I am super happy with the result.
There is a lot of marketing to do now between Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Google+ ( which is PS: looking like more work than the actual writing of the book). The book event/launch/talk is live on Eventbrite, and you can buy an Early Bird ticket now:
Thursday 12 October at 18.30
Business Design Centre
To pre- e-meet other super fab women in business attending the event, please use the following hashtags:
I'm so excited about this book, and I genuinely hope you will like it.#Hustle #GirlBoss #SmashThatCeiling
STOP IT! It's all in your head
#dreambig #believe #youcanPLEASE NOTE: this is an updated post. Reminiscing on the process and journey of writing and self-publishing my first book, “STOP IT! It is all in your head”. The book is available on sale in print from Amazon or you can download it as an ebook from Amazon and from the author, moi. To get it from me, click here.
Thank you :-).