Behind the scenes - hints and tips

"Every day Brings New Choices" - Martha Beck - Choose Wisely. Behind The Scenes Of My Business: Hints And Tips For Business And Personal Wellbeing

Laura Mariani

The PeopleAlchemist Edit: change & transformation, business & lifestyle experimentation for TheWomanAlchemist - behind the scenes

Hello and welcome to my monthly Behind the Scene blog. It is a window into my biz, with hints and tips and insights into my journey. For the past few years, I have divided my time between consulting/project management and interim work writing books and blogging after a career climbing THAT ladder. I am what is called a "careerist", and I mainly work from home. With Covid-19 and all mandatory restrictions, working ways have changed significantly for many people, e.g. working from home becoming very common. Additionally, more and more people are setting up their own business and entering self-employment. Owning and running a business or being self-employed can be hugely rewarding; it can also be challenging with demands, responsibilities, and risks adding on the pressure. Albeit some of the strains are an inevitable consequence of running a business, there are definitely ways that we can help to manage our health and well-being. I thought it would be helpful to give you an insight into how I keep sane and productive. This is what works for me:

Where I work

Where we work can make a difference – both positive and negative – to how we feel day-to-day. Therefore improving the working environment can impact well-being and productivity. I clearly separate my "working area" from my "living" area. If you can't do so due to space, make sure you can clearly put away and hide all work-related items at least visually so you can mentally switch off from working time to personal time. I also find that rotating seating location (aka moving around the house with the laptop for brief periods) increases my concentration and flexibility when I am in a slump. Plus, sitting for long periods is not good for your back and flexibility either. Additionally, I make sure I aerate the space where I work frequently ( aka open the window). Good air quality can lead to enhanced well-being and health.

How I work

I plan my week in blocks of time: time for creative activities like writing, time for admin, time for meetings. And when I plan meetings, I also look to see which ones can be walking meetings, so I get to both work/talk and walk.

How I look after myself

My health is my wealth is my mantra. You see, the healthier you are, the easier you might find it to keep working when you need to. Taking care of your body can support both your physical and mental health. And food and sleep are the building blocks of a healthy body. When it comes to food, firstly, I don't have "crap" in the house. If it's not there, I can't eat it. Secondly, I meal prep for the week on Sunday, so I do not have to think about it. Everything is right there, ready. And for sleep, I find having a winding routine that signals to my brain that it is time to go sleep very useful. One more thing - it is not a tip but worth nothing. Self-reliance is something people who are self-employed and run their own businesses are used to. But working for yourself and doesn't mean you are by yourself. If you need to talk about issues you are facing in your business, there is a helpline for all sorts of problems, and most are free. I hope you found this post useful, let me know and share the love. See you next time with more behind the scenes news and tips. x
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Laura Mariani Best Selling Author, Content Creator and Change & Transformation Expert

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Laura xxx

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