July has been a productive publishing month, but, watch out August, here I come - Behind The Scenes of My Business, Updates From An Independent Creative

Laura Mariani

The PeopleAlchemist Edit: change & transformation, business & lifestyle experimentation for TheWomanAlchemist - behind the scenes - August, here I come

Hello there, and welcome back to the July Behind the Scene blog.
In June, I carried out a Half year review to remain aligned to present needs and priorities and can correct when things are not going so well. Consequently, I realised I have fallen for the typical self-employed-conundrum of going for every opportunity. In my case, new books and ideas, instead of planning my work for the year, sticking to it, and keeping ideas for the future.

So, I have been working on my publishing and working calendar for the rest of the year and reassessing all my writing projects, prioritising the ones that have shown to be already successful with my reading.

July has been the month of consolidation of the first half-year projects: the release of the rest of the Royal Romance Trilogy and more books in the Unlock ignite & Transform your language skills with Contemporary Romance. Additionally, I submitted my non-fiction manuscript to my online publisher Bookboon, Knowledge Transfer for Leaders.

I am really proud of the amount of work I managed to do and also of the actual output. I am particularly happy because, in the year plan, I have included August as my summer month off a la Française - and I will adopt a true summer vacation mode, e.g. pure rest, exploring, fun and no work whatsoever.

My next Behind The Scenes blog will be in September, with some publishing news for the last quarter of the year.

A bientôt.

Laura xxx PS: You can buy my books from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Waterstones and all major retailers and, of course, from my bookshop.
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Laura Mariani Best Selling Author, Content Creator and Change & Transformation Expert

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Laura xxx

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