Your Body Tells You How To Feel: Listen - Be Your Best Self - A Daily Practice To Silence Your Inner Critic

Laura Mariani

ThePeopleAlchemist Edit: #SmashYourCeiling, change starts from within - Business & Lifestyle Experimentation for #TheWomanAlchemist - Your body tells you how to feel

Hello again. Yesterday we talked about how emotions derive from past experiences and impact automatic stress responses. Emotions like anger, avoidance, and dissociation are all learned responses to past situations. Better still they are embodied and anchored in the body. And sometimes your body is trying to tell you something ...


Tony Robbins always says: "Emotion come from motion" and advocates that physiology is what helps get into a peak state. By moving you can generate positive emotions and energy. But this also applies the other way round, e.g. if you are in physical pain and/or discomfort your mood can be affected. That's why is important firstly to describe how you are feeling and use the correct word rather than just saying "I'm fine" and secondly, to check your physical state/well-being to see if there is something going on in the body. Hunger, thirst, and sleep (or lack of it) are good places to look into first. A health check is a straight second, especially for persistent discomfort and pain. Your body tells you how you feel - listen. See you tomorrow x #BeYourBestSelf #Emotions
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Laura Mariani Best Selling Author, Content Creator and Change & Transformation Expert

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Laura xxx

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