High Performance, Like Democracy, Goes Hand In Hand With Flexibility And Freedom - Or Does It? Everybody Wants It But With Freedom Comes Responsibility...

Laura Mariani

ThePeopleAlchemist Edit: Freedom sounds good until you get it...

High Performance, like Democracy, goes hand in hand with flexibility and Freedom. Or does it? Of course. Everybody wants it but with Freedom comes Responsibility...


Every organisation wants to build a high performing culture, providing flexibility and freedom to attract and retain A-talent. Even though still flogging the old standbys of HR bastions like employee engagement programs, performance appraisal, holiday schemes, etc. Many of these are residual of times when employees had to be present at work, on a schedule. In specific industries, this is still applicable. But, overall, the work from anywhere hashtag is far more relevant in this digital age. However, although a culture of Freedom and flexibility sounds excellent for many, few can handle it. With great Freedom (and flexibility) comes great responsibility to deliver (on time, to standards, to target) and no excuses for poor performance (you can't blame anyone if you have Freedom).


This is very similar to Democracy: everyone wants it as long as it doesn't affect them and others agree with them (ideas/choices). With Democracy comes the Responsibility of doing your civic duty and voting, and with flexibility and Freedom in the work environment come taking ownership.


#itallstartswithyou #youcreateyourownreality #smashyourceiling

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Laura Mariani Best Selling Author, Content Creator and Change & Transformation Expert

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Laura xxx

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