From my home to yours

A very Merry Christmas from my home to yours xxx

Laura Mariani

ThePeopleAlchemist Edit: Happy Holidays - From my home to yours

From my home to yours, just a quick note to say: Merry Christmas Je vous souhaite de joyeuses fêtes de Noël Tanti Auguri di Buon Natale And for the kid that is inside each and every one of us, remember the reindeer, and have some fun today too. Here a little Christmas poem to brighten up your day:

Five Little Reindeer - Author Unknown

Five little reindeer playing in the snow

The first one said, “Can you see my nose glow?”

The second one said, “Listen to me sing!”

The third one said, “I can hear the bells ring.”

The fourth one said, “Let’s eat the pie!”

The fifth one said, “I’m ready to fly.”

Then clomp went their hooves

And the snow fell white

As the five little reindeer flew out of sight.

If you are of a different faith or not religious and do not celebrate Christmas, I wish you a very happy and peaceful day with your family, friends and loved ones. Remember to hold them dear, tell them you love them, hug them and, most importantly, look after yourself, today like every day. Everything starts with you. Always. With love, Laura xxx Public announcement (kind of): Business and Self Experimentation Blog for #TheWomanAlchemist – #SmashYourCeiling to #SmashThatCeiling. Why not start the new year with more news from me? Upgrade your inbox and get my picks of new blogs, book news and behind-the-scenes hacks – monthly – delivered right into your inbox. Subscribe to the newsletter and you won't miss out on anything. Come on, you know you want to ... Social media:
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Laura Mariani Best Selling Author, Content Creator and Change & Transformation Expert

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Laura xxx

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