diary day 19+20

How to Publish a Book in 30 days - Diary Day 19+20

Laura Mariani

A public diary on how I'm beating procrastination and finally writing ( and publishing) a book - Diary Day 19+20

Ooops, I didn't write my diary yesterday so today is a double whammy, diary day 19+20. So, what have I been doing? Yesterday it was a very productive day and I can definitely say that I am very prolific when I do my writing on any location but the house. In the house, there are too many distractions and other stuff that needs doing. Outside the house, it is just me, the laptop, and an A4 Pad of paper and pens and that's it, I don't even connect to the wifi, which means uninterrupted writing/re-writing and so on... I need to remember to keep ordering drinks (it is easy to get absorbed and forget which means little hydration but also slightly irritated baristas.... they run a business after all not a free office ). Today no writing as I had quite a few meetings, happy nevertheless as I've managed to fix the date and venue for the book launch party which makes me even more determined if that is possible. What about you? Are you writing a book? What are/have been your biggest challenges and how did you overcome them? Please do share, thank you :-) Diary day 19+20 over and out. Please follow me, like, share, comment #HoldMeAccountable #Hustle #GirlBoss #SmashThatCeiling #dreambig #believe #youcan Check out the diary for Days 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 , 7, 8 (9,10) ,11,12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18. PLEASE NOTE: this is an updated post. Reminiscing on the process and journey of writing and self-publishing my first book, “STOP IT! It is all in your head”. The book is available on sale in both print from Amazon and ebook from Amazon and from the author, moi. Thank you :-).
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Laura Mariani Best Selling Author, Content Creator and Change & Transformation Expert

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Laura xxx

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